Outlining sustainable development paths for power sector development
Long-Term Energy Planning provides a strong foundation for power system transformation. Technically sound and cost-effective investment plans, even when just indicative, can provide evidence-based input to build a long-term vision for the energy sector. This helps to avoid over- and underbuilding power plant capacity and create awareness about the renewable resource potential as well as the socio-economic benefits of the transition. Long-term planning also mitigates the risk of investing into carbon-intensive infrastructure that could result in future stranded assets.
GET.transform works with energy ministries, national and regional planning commissions, as well as electric utility planning departments to advance the quantity and quality of power system expansion plans.
Locally owned and driven planning processes are supported to strengthen the governance framework and the capacities for the development and use of long-term energy scenarios, including regional integration aspects. This support enhances our partners’ ability to assess the impact of a sustainable and just energy transition for low-carbon or net-zero pathways, against business-as-usual development.
GET.transform puts the power sector as the central engine of the energy transition at the core of long-term energy planning. At the same time, our planning work ensures links to key energy transformation trends for the whole energy system. Such analysis considers sector-coupling, energy efficiency technology shifts and fuel switching to electricity in different economic end-use sectors, e.g. around the resulting demand and load curve for the use of green hydrogen in industry or the electrification of road transport. By putting these considerations into perspective, analyses of the conflicting and complementary objectives of social, economic and climate policy are provided to support political decision-making processes. Our support thus helps to facilitate a power system transformation that is technically, socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.
East Africa Prepares for Day-Ahead Market
Renewable Supply Chains and Manufacturing: Building Bridges between Africa and Europe
7th Plenary Meeting of the Latin America Forum of Energy Planners (FOREPLEN)
Mozambique Builds Low-Emission Energy Planning Capacities
2nd Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Forum of Regulators
Sector Progress in the Spotlight at EU Green Power Transformation Forum in Eswatini
Discussing the Impact of Energy Planning on Funding
Enhancing Knowledge Exchange on Pathways to Net-Zero
Energy Sector Collaboration in the Spotlight at Africa Energy Indaba
CMP Reaches New Milestone and Prepares for Next Phase
IRENA Innovation Week 2023
Pathways to Sustainable Planning for a Just Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean
Scalable Power Models: Commercial and Industrial (C&I)
Factoring Africa’s Solar Power Potential into the Continental Master Plan
Unlocking Mozambique’s Potential for Energy Efficiency
Boosting Transmission Network Planning Capacity
High-Level Expert Workshop: Latin America Report in World Energy Outlook 2023
Strengthening Power System Planning Capacity as Groundwork for Africa’s Continental Master Plan
Increasing Regional Collaboration for a Just Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean
Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Experience and Good Practices in Africa
Energy System Transformation: New GIZ Guide for Power-System Planners and Technical Assistance Providers
Improving Solar and Wind Energy Forecasting in Peru
Scenarios for the Energy Transition
Towards A Climate-Resilient Energy Infrastructure in Central America
Energy Planning Breaks Ground for E-Mobility in Latin America
Improving the Representation of vRE and Electromobility in the Energy Planning Process
Peru: Expanding Modeling Capacity for Long-Term Energy Planning
Latin America and the Caribbean: Energy Ministers Confirm Commitment to Regional Energy Transition
Considering the National, Regional and Continental Level Unlocks Greatest Impact of Energy Plans
Long-Term Energy Scenarios For Developing National Energy Transition Plans In Africa
Long-term energy scenarios have become critical tools in paving the way for the transition to more digitalised, decentralised and …
Strengthening Energy Planning Capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean
Transparency Builds Trust in Energy Scenario Processes
LTES-Africa 6: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios
Energy Planning Breaks Vital Ground for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Energy Planning Processes Rest on Local Capacity
Data Quality Key for Successful Energy Scenarios
LTES-Africa 5: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios
Early Stakeholder Alignment Strengthens National Energy Scenarios
LTES-Africa 4: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios
LTES-Africa 3: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios
LTES-Africa 2: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios
National Experience in Long-Term Energy Scenario Use and Development
A Powerful Partnership for Climate Neutrality
GET.transform Joins IRENA’s Long-term Energy Scenarios Network
Peru Prepares for Higher Share of Renewable Energy
Aligning National and International Goals in Long-Term Energy Planning
Long-Term Energy Scenarios for a Clean Energy Transformation in Latin America
Long-term energy scenarios have become critical tools in paving the way for the transition to more digitalised, decentralised and …