LTES7: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios

Guatemala and Honduras conclude LTES seminar series by IRENA, UN ECLAC and GET.transform with energy scenario insights from Latin America
Quezaltenango, Guatemala
Photo by Leonel Lopez/Unsplash

Guatemala and Honduras will provide lessons learnt from Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) in the next virtual seminar by UN ECLAC, IRENA, and GET.transform (2 June, 12pm CST (6pm CET)). Framed by IRENA’s long-standing LTES Network, the seventh seminar will conclude the Latin American series on the development and use of long-term energy scenarios.

High-level representatives from the organising institutions will shed light on their engagement in this field and the meaning energy scenarios and cross-border cooperation have for the region.

  • Jeanette Sanchez, Director of the Natural Resources Division, UN ECLAC 
  • Dolf Gielen, Director Innovation and Technology Centre, IRENA
  • Daniel Werner, Programme Manager, Global Energy Transformation Programme (

In tune with the series’ set-up, the final seminar will once more dive into the particular experiences from two countries in the region. Participants will be able to tap into best practices from Guatemala and Honduras:

  • Gabriel Velásquez, Technical Director of Energy and Mining Planning Unit, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Guatemala will present Guatemala’s National Energy Plan which focusses on three strategic pillars to reduce the effects of climate change in the country: increased use of renewable energy resources, energy efficiency, and the reduction of greenhouse gases.
  • Jorge Cárcamo, Ph.D., Department of Energy, Honduras will show how the 2018-2022 Strategic Government Plan of Honduras aims to achieve lower-cost energy supply and foster investment in renewable energy with regionally competitive prices. The plan also targets increased investment in transmission and distribution infrastructure to provide sustainable and more reliable access to electricity.

The seminar will be moderated by:

  • Pablo Carvajal, Programme Officer, Clean Energy Transition Scenarios, IRENA

and will be simultaneously available in English and Spanish.

2 June, 2021 (12:00pm CST)