LTES5: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios

Argentina and the Dominican Republic share best energy planning practices in IRENA, UN ECLAC and GET.transform seminar
Caminito, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photo by Barbara Zandoval/Unsplash

Argentina and the Dominican Republic will inform the next virtual seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) by UN ECLAC, IRENA, and GET.transform. The seminar series focuses on the development and use of long-term energy scenarios to guide national energy plans in Latin America.

Building on IRENA’s long-standing LTES Network, each event features experiences from two countries in the region. The next seminar (31 March, 12:00pm CLST) will provide best practies from Argentina and the Dominican Republic:

  • Rocío Rodriguez, Energy and Climate Change Coordinator for the Energy Planning Subsecretariat, Argentina will show how Argentina’s Energy Scenarios 2030 helped to strengthen the country’s capacity for evidence-based decision making. They allowed to develop scenarios that reflect a joint vision of the Argentine society regarding the transition to cleaner, more flexible, and more transparent energy systems, approaching a framework that provides order and boundary conditions.
  • Alfonso Rodriguez, Vice Minister for Energy Efficiency and Savings Ministry of Mines and Energy and Edward Veras, Executive Director of the National Energy Commission, Dominican Republic will present how the National Energy Plan (PEN) and corresponding roadmap were developed in a collaborative effort among several institutions. The resulting plan focuses on increasing competitiveness of the national economy, improving the lives of its citizens, and a commitment to environmental protection.

The session will be moderated by:

  • Pablo Carvajal, Programme Officer, Clean Energy Transition Scenarios, IRENA

The seminar will be simultaneously available in English and Spanish.

31 March, 2021 (12:00pm CLST)