LTES6: Virtual Seminar on Long-Term Energy Scenarios

Mexico and Peru provide lessons learnt in long-term energy planning in IRENA, UN ECLAC and GET.transform seminar
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Photo by Daniels Joffe/Unsplash

Mexico and Peru will share their experience with Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) in the next virtual seminar by UN ECLAC, IRENA, and GET.transform. The seminar series focuses on the development and use of long-term energy scenarios to guide national energy plans in Latin America.

Building on IRENA’s long-standing LTES Network, each event features experiences from two countries in the region. The next seminar (14 April, 12:00pm CLST) will provide best practies from Mexico and Peru:

  • Ing. Juan Navarrete Barbosa, Director of Policies and Programs, Energy Efficiency Commission (CONUEE) and Dr. Sergio Saldaña Zorrilla, Responsible for Competence Sub-Secretariat of ElectricityEnergy Secretariat (SENER), Mexico will present the role of energy scenarios in realising the country’s commitment to a socially inclusive energy transition that protects the environment and complies with climate change commitment. Mexico has particularly established programmes to improve energy efficiency in energy subsectors.
  • Ing. Luis Vilchez, Coordinator for Energy and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Peru will inform on the country’s 2014-2025 National Energy Plan. Through this plan, Peru has centred its energy planning on three pillars: a competitive energy supply, energy security and universal energy access. A focus lies on development with minimum environmental impact in a framework of sustainable development and low CO2 emission.

The seminar will be moderated by:

  • Ruben Contreras LisperguerEconomic Affairs Officer, Natural Resources Division, UN ECLAC
  • Antonio LevyTechnical Advisor, GET.transform

The seminar will be simultaneously available in English and Spanish.

14 April, 2021 (12:00pm CLST)