Aligning Regulatory Priorities and Practices in Africa

GET.transform contributed to 18th Annual Conference by the African Forum of Utility Regulators
solar module and power line
Photo by Sandra Parra/Unsplash

This month, the African Forum of Utility Regulators (AFUR) convened its 18th Annual Conference on the theme ‘Towards Convergence of Regulatory Practices in Africa. The Case of Environmental Protection, Utility Sustainability and Consumer Protection’.

The three-day event, culminating in the Annual General Meeting, brought together dozens of African regulators and shed light on key regulatory queries the continent is faced with. Discussions covered issues like environmental regulation in the power sector, up-stream petroleum markets, electric vehicle incentives as well as financial regulation and monitoring.

GET.transform contributed to the conference with a presentation on off-grid electricity, which is becoming a significant topic for power supply in many African nations. As such, mini-grid regulatory expert Nico Peterschmidt of the GET.transform partner INENSUS, delved into the history of mini-grid market development, analysing the approaches that early movers like Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal and Uganda have taken to overcome the challenges in bringing power to rural communities where technical, financial and operational challenges have long prevented traditional electrification models.

GET.transform and AFUR are proudly partnering to support African regulators with the establishment of off-grid regulatory frameworks. This partnership is providing members with highly technical materials, trainings and discussions to fast-track a harmonised enabling environment leveraging greater private investments while safeguarding adequate standards, environmental priorities and consumer needs.

Nico Peterscheidt, Insensus at 18th Virtual AFUR Conference
Nico Peterschmidt of consultancy INENSUS presenting findings from GET.transform project at the 18th Virtual AFUR Conference on 23 March, 2022