A Toolbox of African Model Mini-Grid Regulations

AFUR and GET.transform partner to create best practice resources for African regulators
Mini-Grid in Gbamu-Gbamu, Ogun State
© Andrew Esiebo

The African Forum of Utility Regulators (AFUR) and GET.transform have entered a partnership to develop a toolbox of model mini-grid regulations. The joint activity forms part of the African Union Mini-Grid Development Plan and the Action on Rural Electrification and Industrialisation and aims to provide resources, peer exchange and regulatory best practices that enable scaled up mini-grid investment.

AFUR is the regional platform  under the African Union, on which African energy regulators come together to address common challenges and harmonise frameworks. Mini-grids have become a key priority for many of AFUR’s members, and GET.transform is proud to support the regulators by providing insights and tailored solutions for mini-grid regulation, based on the experience gathered on GET.transform’s national-level support actions.

Equally building upon the mini-grid policy work developed under the AU with EU TAF and Power Africa, the Model Mini-Grid Regulations will allow stakeholders to tap into materials such as tariff settlement instruments, grid arrival regulation, concessioning methodologies and technical standards built upon applied best practice.

AFUR will host the Model Mini-Grid Regulations, developed in a participatory manner, with a steering committee of peers and a working group of technical assistance programmes specialising in the development of mini-grid frameworks. The Model Regulations will thus be endorsed by the key stakeholders in the field of mini-grids to create consensus and reduce the fragmentation of the off-grid sector.