Principles for the Toolbox of African Model Mini-Grid Regulations

AFUR presents technical guideline in partnership with GET.transform
Mini-Grid in Gbamu-Gbamu, Ogun State
(c) GIZ/Andrew Esiebo

The African Forum of Utility Regulators (AFUR) presents a new Technical Guide as part of its work on the African Model Mini-Grid Regulations which AFUR is developing in partnership with GET.transform.

AFUR aims to develop a toolbox, based on regulator experience, documenting latest developments and continental best practice in mini-grid regulations. GET.transform supports workshops on technical, financial, legal, and commercial approaches for mini-grids in collaboration with AFUR and its member regulators, to drive the participatory process in the development of publishable tools that make up the African Model Mini-Grid Regulations.

The resulting tools will provide regulators with best practices to overcome recurring regulatory challenges. At the same time, the tools and templates can be applicable across various jurisdictions and will contribute to the convergence of mini-grid regulations across the African continent and beyond.

This technical guideline is the first of these materials, highlighting innovative technical aspects which could be considered in mini-grid regulation. The principles discussed in this technical guideline will be incorporated in the mini-grid regulation templates, which are currently under development and expected to be published later this year.

Download the guideline in English or French from:

Cover of the Principles for the Toolbox of African Model Mini-Grid Regulations