Lesotho Strengthens Power Market through Transmission Grid Code Review

Lesotho hosted a capacity building workshop to review the Lesotho transmission grid codes
Group picture at the Lesotho Transmission Code Review Training
(c) GIZ

Key Stakeholders came together earlier this month in Lesotho for a workshop on the first review of the country´s transmission grid codes since their implementation in October 2015, taking best practices from peers in the SADC region and the European Union (EU).

Transmission grid codes are a set of technical standards set by the regulatory authorities along with grid operators to govern the general connection conditions of installations to the grid. The codes provide the framework for a safe and efficient operation of the transmission grid. Updating grid codes is vital for renewable energy integration and improving grid resilience.  A regional harmonisation of grid codes will strengthen cross-border electricity trading and interoperability, thus opening new opportunities for the Lesotho power market.

The event was hosted by the Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA) in partnership with as part of the EU-funded initiative Renewable Lesotho. The workshop, facilitated by experts from Energynautics and Chown and Associates, commenced with a capacity building session on grid codes and experience sharing from a Southern African and European Union perspective on the development, review, and implementation processes. This included new technologies such as codes on the battery storage systems and Electric Vehicles. In the afternoon, the experts shared the results from the to inform the transmission code review panel.

The exercise had been conducted with benchmark codes form the SADC Regional Grid Code (RGC); three Southern African countries (South Africa, Namibia, Eswatini), and two European countries (Ireland and Germany). This resulted in recommendations towards a more secure, reliable and efficient Basotho power system that is aligned with regional peers and the SADC . This will facilitate future electricity trading in the South African Power Pool Market. As a next step, a new draft version of the transmission codes will be elaborated.

This workshop was made possible through the Renewable Lesotho programme, a joint initiative to increase clean energy generation and energy efficiency in Lesotho, that promotes access to reliable and equitable access to energy, while improving energy sector leadership and capacity. Launched in 2023, Renewable Lesotho is part of the Global Gateway, Europe’s strategy to boost smart, clean and secure connections in digital, energy and transport sectors, and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.

Participants at the Lesotho Transmission Grid Code Review Training
Participants at the Transmission Grid Code Review Training session (c) GIZ