Kicking Off Renewable Lesotho

Unlocking investments and opportunities in Lesotho’s renewable energy sector
Solar park in Lesotho
(c) GET.transform

Lesotho is advancing its energy sector cooperation with GET.transform and the European Union through a new programme called Renewable Lesotho. The cooperation is part of the Global Gateway, Europe’s strategy to boost smart, clean and secure connections in digital, energy and transport sectors, and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.

Launched in May this year, Renewable Lesotho aims to support Lesotho’s energy sector, including public entities as well as the private sector through business catalyst and matchmaking support provided by European multi-donor platforms, GET.transform and GET.invest, to stimulate renewable energy investments in Lesotho. Advancing the green and sustainable energy transition in Lesotho, GET.invest mobilises private investment in renewable energy while GET.transform supports national partners and institutions to promote energy sector transformation.

GET.transform will explore technical assistance options with a focus on regulatory frameworks for both on- and off-grid energy, market design with a view to power purchasing agreements (PPAs) and licensing as well as renewable energy grid integration aspects.

In addition, Renewable Lesotho, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the association of bilateral European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI), will facilitate financial innovations in the sector and set up a funding mechanism including grant-based support and finance-based support for initiatives ranging from on- and off-grid renewable energy generation to energy efficiency.

GET.transform and the European Union discussed Lesotho’s energy policy and priorities with the Minister of Natural Resources, Mr. Mohlomi Moleko. The overview on energy projects and objectives by the public sector was complemented by insights shared by private sector representatives who are currently developing renewable energy initiatives in the country.

A kick-off meeting facilitated by Lesotho’s Department of Energy saw the European Union and GET.transform connect with the main stakeholders of the national energy sector: the Ministry of Natural Resources, Lesotho Electricity Company (LEC), Lesotho Electricity Generation Company (LEGCO), Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA), the Rural Electrification Unit, UNDP and EDFI ElectriFI.

Learn more about Renewable Lesotho.

Cover of the info sheet on Renewable Lesotho, a joint initiative by the European Union and Lesotho.
Energy sector delegates from Lesotho meeting with the EU Delegation and GET.transform
Energy sector delegates from Lesotho meeting with the European Union Delegation and GET.transform