Strengthening Regulation and Power Market Capacities in Eswatini

Regulator and Ministry staff training supported by EU Delegation and GET.transform

Eswatini is building capacity for its energy sector transformation. Earlier this month, management staff from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy of Eswatini (MNRE) and the country’s Energy Regulatory Authority (ESERA) came together for a three-day training on energy regulation and market development.  

The training was supported by the EU Delegation to Eswatini and GET.transform and delivered by experts from the University of Cape Town’s Power Futures Lab. Covering power markets, economic regulation and tariff structures, the training created valuable insight for GET.transform’s further regulatory support in the country. 

Eswatini entered into a Team Europe partnership with the EU Delegation and Germany to advance its power sector reform and catalyse renewable energy investments. GET.transform and GET.invest are the European programmes who will support Eswatini in this joint action.

GET.transform will assist ESERA in improving the governance and impact of regulation to promote greater access to electricity, competitively procured investments, efficient tariffs and better reliability of services. 

The workshop laid fertile ground for further customised trainings and actions that will support Eswatini in enhancing its energy regulation.

Regulatory training in Eswatini, November 2022
Regulatory workshop for Eswatini's ESERA and MNRE in November 2022
Impressions from the Regulatory Workshop in Eswatini, November 2022 including management staff from Eswatini's regulator ESERA and Energy Ministry (MNRE), the EU Delegation to Eswatini and Power Futures Lab (c) ESERA