Fostering Mini-Grid Development in Uganda

GET.transform supported stakeholder exchange strengthens sector collaboration
Mini-Grid Panel Speakers at Uganda Power Forum 2022
(c) GIZ

On 2 November, Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) hosted a mini-grid side event during the Power Forum of Uganda’s Energy Week. The sector exchange was organised in partnership with the EU Delegation to UgandaGIZ and GET.transform.

Intensified collaboration and concerted efforts are required across Uganda’s mini-grid sector to fast-track the objectives of the National Electrification Strategy (NES) which envisages 10 million connections by 2030 and aims to attain 230,000 thereof through mini-grids.

Attended by 128 stakeholders, the event brought together key perspectives from government, development partners, CSOs, and the private sector. Power Forum speakers included:

The panellists agreed that mini-grids play a critical role in realising Uganda’s electricity access targets. Yet making them financially viable while maintaining acceptable tariffs was still seen as a challenge. In this context, reference was made to the need for new Productive Use (PUE) approaches and the recent GET.transform study which analysed the shifting PUE landscape.

Answering to the hope of sped up regulatory processes, Eng. Abdon Atwine of the MEMD reported that a policy revision is already underway to ensure an improved bankability of mini-grid contracts.

The event allowed for valuable links among the sector players and the exchange on lessons learnt is set to reinvigorate joint approaches in mini-grid development.

Panel speakers at Uganda Power Forum 2022
David Otieno, GIZ, at Uganda Power Forum 2022
GET.transform and GIZ at Uganda Power Forum 2022
Impressions from the Uganda Power Forum, 2 November 2022 (c) GIZ